Mohawk Council of Akwasasne, Quebec

Mohawk Council of Akwesasne, Quebec

Challenge Statement

Decrease the rate of new cases of diabetes per year in Akwesasne to the Canadian average (0.5%; 5.9/1,000) by improving community wellness using traditional approaches encompassing holistic Indigenous practices, improved access to community services and health diagnostics.


The scourge of diabetes falls heavily on Aboriginal people around the world. In Canada, the rate of diabetes for Indigenous people is 3 times that of other Canadians. The Mohawk Council of Akwesasne will use the Smart Cities Challenge to decrease the rate of new cases of diabetes, and provide a framework for similar communities.

Drawing on holistic Indigenous practices focussed on protecting and restoring the natural world, our program will integrate modern health diagnostics, improved diet and food security, access to health services and physical fitness as ways to reduce the risk and prevalence of diabetes diagnoses.

Smart technologies in the form of electric vehicles, smart greenhouses and an integrating mobile/websystem will be key tools in achieving positive change in lifestyle, education and accessibility issues at the root of problem.

Akwesasne community members will share personal scoring on measures related to the areas of focus publicly but anonymously, so that the community’s digital scorecard is transparent and a shared challenge. Software will seamlessly organize reporting, communication with health professionals, scheduling clinical access, food delivery and the education of risk reduction. Traditional practices will renew our Mind, Body and Spirit, while digital technology will help overcome our geographic challenges.