Blue Surge

Scope of Work:

The scope of work for an electrical contractor includes

  • Building a panel of sheet metal
  • Putting the gateway and sub-meter (if required) in the panel
  • Installation of panel on the selected location (with a good cellular signal strength)
  • Connecting the sub meter to the main power lines (if required)
  • Connecting the gateway to utility meter/sub meter
  • Powering up the gateway from a power supply
  • Coordinating with BlueSurge to ensure the data points are being captured by the gateway


There are two scenarios with respect to data capture:

  • Case 1: Buildings, where data needs to be captured from existing meters
  • Case 2: Sub-meters need to be installed using CTs on the main line and data to be captured
  • Where installation of the meter is involved, a temporary building power-shutdown may be required before its installation work can be completed and the system is brought on-line. Shutdown time is estimated to be a couple of hours only, and work will be coordinated to coincide with planned building shutdowns or will be specifically scheduled outside of office hours to ensure minimal disruption to the client and other related parties affected by the power shutdown. Risk level is assumed as low.

    Hardware Equipment:


  • Smart Meters: